Drawstring Bags: The Perfect Disney Park Pack

Posted by Nick & Lete on

drawstring bags

Why drawstring bags are a better choice than a full sized backpack when trekking through the Disney Parks.

I am a classic over-preparer. Whether it’s a week vacation or a weekend getaway, I pack like I’m never coming home again. I guess I just don’t like the feeling of regret from not bringing something with me on the off chance I want to wear it. And yes, this is Nick writing, not Lete. She packs less than I do…

So when it comes to going into the parks at Disney, you’d think I’d be all about the full sized backpack to carry things around in, but I’m actually not. I’ve tried the full sized backpack and let me tell you, it is not fun to walk around the parks all day with a massive heat satchel on your back. Not only that, some rides are kind of small (like one of my favorites, Space Mountain) and a full sized backpack would make for a pretty uncomfortable ride. That’s what brought me to purchase a drawstring bag.

But what about the things? All the things? How can I carry everything I ever wanted and more? Well, surprisingly, you can carry a lot in a drawstring bag. I was able to fit five shirts (#allthemerch), a rain jacket, a water bottle, earphones, a battery pack for my phone, a camera lens for my phone, purell, my wallet, and napkins and still had a little room to spare.


The storage is definitely adequate, but there are three main things I love about carrying that bag as opposed to a full sized zipper backpack:

  1.    Lightweight. Keeps me from bringing and carrying too much.
  2.    Compact. Fits easily at my feet on all the rides.
  3.    Secure. A little tough for someone to try and steal from you without you knowing.

Let’s break those down a little.

 1. So yes, I can carry a lot in my drawstring bag, but it prevents me from over packing (which I will do if given the space), and that keeps the bag from getting too heavy. Which is great when you’re walking 10+ miles a day in the heat. Also, I’m no longer the mule for everyone else’s stuff. Mo’ bag, mo’ problems.

 2. Remember Space Mountain? Yeah, drawstring bags fit perfectly under the lap bar at your feet. It’s pretty wonderful. I never worry about my bag being too big for any ride.

 3. Maybe it’s just me, but whenever I stand in any line with a backpack I feel like someone is sneakily unzipping my pockets and taking things out. That makes me hold items like my wallet, phone, earphones, etc in my pockets so I know they’re safe. That’s not comfortable. With a drawstring bag it cinches shut. You have to lift the bag up and pull apart the ends to open it and grab something inside. I’d have to be pretty distracted not to feel that, so I feel safe keeping my valuables in my bag. That frees up my pockets for more important things, like my hands.

I love my drawstring bags and that’s why we decided to put our Disney inspired designs on drawstring bags. We think they are just perfect for the parks and we think you’ll find the same to be true! Everything I mentioned fitting into the bag was put into my treat yo self bag, and all the bags are the same size. So before your next trip to Disney, be sure to treat yo self to a better bag for trekking through the parks.

The Nick & Lete signature drawstring bags, only $14.99!

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